Public Offer

1. General Provisions.

1.1 This document is the official public offer of the Welton club Hotel & Apartments (hereinafter referred to as the "Hotel") Individual entrepreneur G.A. Saakyan (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor") and contains all the essential terms of the agreement.

1.2 In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation), in case of acceptance of the conditions set out below and payment for services, the individual who accepts this offer becomes the Customer (in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, acceptance of the offer is equivalent to concluding a contract on the terms set out in the offer), and the Contractor and the Customer together are the Parties to this agreement.

1.3 In connection with the above, carefully read the text of this public offer and read the information about the cost of services posted on the website If you do not agree with any clause of the offer, the Contractor offers you to refuse to use the services.

2. Terminology and definitions.

2.1 Public offer or offer – the text of this document with all appendices posted on the Contractor's website and available on the Internet at:

2.2 Contract – a contract for hotel services, including appendices, amendments, additions and other agreements thereto, concluded between the Contractor and the Customer on the terms of the offer.

2.3 The Customer (or consumer) is a capable individual, aged at least 18 years, who has the legal right to enter into contractual relations with the Contractor, including Booking and paying for services on the site, who has concluded an agreement with the Contractor by accepting this Offer in the manner and on the terms established by this Offer, exclusively for personal use household and other needs that are not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities.

2.4 Website is a publicly available resource on the Internet owned by the Contractor and/or its affiliates and located at:

2.5 Booking is a set of Consumer actions, as a result of which an order was placed on the Website by the Consumer for the services of the Welton Club Hotel & Apartments hotel selected on the Website, and/or within which the Consumer paid the full cost of the order.

2.6 The Administrator is an employee of the Contractor who processes Customer Reservations.

2.7 Reservation System (or System) is a software package available on the Website designed for Booking and paying for rooms at the Welton Club Hotel & Apartments. The information in the Booking System can be changed or supplemented at any time, in this regard, the Consumer is invited to use the Booking System online.

3. The subject of the agreement.

3.1 Under the conditions specified in this agreement, the Contractor undertakes to provide hotel services (hereinafter referred to as "services"), and the Customer undertakes to accept and pay for the Contractor's services.

3.2 The list of services provided by the Contractor, the conditions of accommodation, meals of the Customer, as well as prices for services are posted on the website of the Welton Club Hotel & Apartments

4. Reservation. Terms and order of services provision.

4.1 When making a Reservation, the Consumer has to fill out the online Booking form on the hotel's Website, fill in all the fields specified in the Booking System as "mandatory".

4.2 The consumer, making an online booking on the hotel's website or sending an e-mail request: agrees to the terms of the public offer posted on the website

4.3 By agreeing to the terms of the Public Offer, the Consumer confirms his legal and legal capacity and financial viability, and is also aware of the responsibility for the obligations imposed on him as a result of the conclusion of the Contract, confirms the accuracy of his personal data, as well as the data of third parties specified in the Booking, and assumes full responsibility for their accuracy, completeness and reliability. The consumer assumes all possible risks (making a new reservation, changing the tariff, not returning or partially returning money, etc.) associated with his guilty actions of making mistakes, inaccuracies in providing personal data. By agreeing to the terms of the public offer, the customer agrees to the rules of accommodation posted on the website

4.4 The Contractor reserves the right to make changes to this Offer, in connection with which, by making a Reservation or making a payment for a Reservation, the Consumer accepts the terms set out in the updated and/or amended Offer, current at the time of Booking, and the Contract is concluded on such terms.

4.5 The Consumer gets acquainted with all the Booking conditions during the Booking process. If the Consumer does not understand any of the Booking conditions, including the conditions of refusal, refund, making any changes to the completed (completed) Reservation, the Consumer has to clarify the information he needs from the Administrator. In case of making a Reservation (signing a Contract) without contacting the Administrator, the User confirms that he understands all the rules and conditions of the Reservation.

4.6 After making a Reservation, a Booking confirmation is displayed on the Website to the Consumer, as well as an additional confirmation containing the Booking status can be sent to the email address specified during the Booking process. The Administrator can contact the Consumer to receive or transmit additional information. The reservations made by the Consumer on the Website are final.

4.7 Upon receipt of the Booking confirmation, the Consumer (Customer) makes an advance payment of the total cost of the selected services indicated on the Website in the generated Booking, in accordance with clause 5.4 of this Agreement. The Consumer may be offered other payment methods in the manner and on the terms specified on the Website when making a Reservation.

4.8 When paying for a Reservation with a bank card, the Consumer agrees to debit the amount from the Consumer's card that ensures the Consumer's arrival at the Welton Club Hotel & Apartments. By making a Reservation, the Consumer accepts the terms of payment and debit from the Consumer's bank card.

4.9 The Services are considered to be booked from the moment the Contractor receives funds to the settlement account to pay for the Reservation or after receiving the booking confirmation. The Consumer confirms that he makes a Reservation in accordance with the terms of this Offer published on the website and the rules of accommodation. The Bookings made by the Consumer are final.

4.10 Upon arrival of the Customer at the Contractor's address specified in the details, by the time the services are provided, the Contractor places an order. The basis for registration by the Contractor and provision of services to the Consumer is a document certifying the identity of the Consumer and the availability of full payment for the Contractor's services. The full list of documents required for check-in can be found in the rules of residence.

4.11 The Contractor has the right not to register the Customer and not to provide services, in the absence of full payment for them from the Contractor.

4.12 In the event of the Customer's non-arrival at the address indicated in the details by the time the hotel services are provided to him, the Contractor's obligation to provide services to this Customer remains only for the period before which the Contractor was obliged to provide services to the Customer. Upon expiration of the period for the provision of services, the Contractor ceases to be obliged to provide services to the Customer, while 100 percent of the cost of the first night of stay is charged.

4.13 The Customer has the right to cancel the services before the start of their provision, including making any changes to the completed Reservations, cancellation or cancellation of the Reservation, at the same time: in case of cancellation of the reservation and/or refusal of the service within the period specified in the booking confirmation, 100% of the paid funds will be refunded. In case of cancellation later than this date or in case of no-show, 100% of the first night's stay will be charged.

5.Payment procedures.

5.1 Payments between the Parties are carried out in a non-cash manner by transferring funds to the settlement/personal accounts of the Parties or by cash payment to the Contractor's cashier.

5.2 The basis for payment may be an invoice issued by the Contractor and received by the Customer or a confirmation of the Reservation with the assigned reservation number. The basis for the Contractor's refund of the funds paid by the Customer is a written statement sent to the Contractor by registered mail or e-mail

5.3 Payment for the reservation is made within 3 calendar days from the date of receipt of the Invoice/Booking confirmation. The date of payment is considered to be the date of receipt of funds to the Contractor's current account.

5.4 The full cost of the reservation must be paid before the start of the provision of services by the Contractor. In case of violation of the payment terms specified in this agreement, this agreement is considered invalid.

6. Offer acceptance

6.1 Acceptance of this offer is made by the Customer by making an advance payment for the Contractor's services after receiving a booking confirmation from the Customer.

7. The validity period and modification of the offer.

7.1 The Offer takes effect from the moment it is posted on the Contractor's website and is valid until it is withdrawn by the Contractor.

7.2 The Contractor reserves the right to amend the terms of the offer and/or withdraw the offer at any time prior to its acceptance.

7.3 The booking of services by the Consumer on the Website after making changes to the Offer is clearly an agreement with the changes made. The Contract may be terminated at any time on the initiative of the Consumer by sending a corresponding notification to the Contractor by registered mail or by e-mail: In this case, the conditions for cancellation of the Reservation by the Consumer come into force. The Contractor has the right to terminate the Public Offer Agreement at any time without prior notice in case of violations by the Consumer of the terms, procedure and terms of Booking and payment for services.

8. The validity period, modification and termination of the contract.

8.1 The Agreement comes into force from the moment of acceptance of the offer by the Customer and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations under the Agreement.

9. Limitation of responsibility.

9.1 The Contractor is not responsible for the communication channels used by the Consumer, and, consequently, for any financial or other damage caused as a result of using substandard or unsecured communication channels.

9.2 The Contractor is not responsible for violation of the terms of the Offer (Agreement) if such violation is caused by force majeure (force majeure), including: actions of public authorities, fire, flood, earthquake, other natural disasters, lack of electricity and/or computer network failures, strikes, civil unrest, riots, any other circumstances, not limited to the above, which may affect the fulfillment by the Contractor of the terms of this Offer.

9.3 The Contractor is responsible only for direct actual damage caused as a result of culpable non-fulfillment of obligations by the Contractor when providing services only within the amount of the Booking price.

10. Other terms.

10.1 The Agreement, its conclusion and execution are governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. All issues not regulated by the offer or not fully regulated are regulated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.2 Disputes under the offer and/or the agreement are resolved in a preliminary claim procedure. If the Parties fail to reach an agreement, disputes are subject to consideration in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.3 The Customer hereby provides the Contractor with written consent to the processing and provision of information about him (including personal data obtained during the conclusion and execution of the Contract) to third parties, as well as to perform other actions to process them for any purpose and by any means for an unlimited period.

10.4 The court's recognition of the invalidity of any provision of this Agreement does not entail the invalidity of the remaining provisions or the Offer (Agreement) as a whole.

11. Bank details.

IE Saakyan Genrikh Armavirovich

TIN(INN): 781020839903
OGRNIP: 318784700085822
OKPO: 0127727477
OKFS: 16
OKVED: 55.10
Payment account: 40802810500000030400
Bank: JSC Bank «PSCB»
BIC: 044030852
Correspondence account: 30101810000000000852
Legal address: 196191, Sankt-Peterburg, Novoizmailovskiy prospect, 36, str 1
Post address: 197110 Sankt-Peterburg, Malaya Raznochinnaya 11, str.1
Phone number: +7 (812) 346-55-55

IE Saakyan G.A.

Seal of IE